3 steps to start your coaching business

Written by
Pensight Experts
December 31, 2022

Having followers is great. But if you don’t have clients coming into your business, you might not have a business at all.

Here are three steps that will help you get your followers to book a call and/or buy your coaching packages.

1. Start Niching Down

You are proabaly scared to narrow down your target group, their problems, and the result you can help them achieve. But, for your followers to convert into clients, you must get clear on your ideal client. From there, you can create your one-phrase elevator coaching pitch: “I help ___(the WHO)___(the WHAT: solve a problem or get a result).”

Once this is clear, it’s time to define your offer. The offer does not refer to “six coaching sessions for 60 minutes”, but to the specific result/ solution that you can offer to solve someone’s specific problem.

2. Provide Value

What we’ve learnt from our users is that great content pre-sells your services by building trust and credibility. The most important rule? Provide value, give more than you ask.

Firstly, become a hub of information where you share a lot of knowledge and actionable advice. Secondly, exude empathy with your clients’ problems and challenges. Overall, your posts should demonstrate that you truly understand the market and position you as the go-to expert your ideal client needs.

3. Create a Book-a-Call Page

A big problem is that many coaches don’t have a clear path for leads to become clients. The book-a-call page should be the centre of gravity for your content strategy as it converts followers into clients! Think of it as the destination for your community - so make sure to share it wherever you can, in bios, email signature, Youtube sign-offs and any other point of congregation.

Niche down, provide value and redirect all leads to your book-a-call page - all you need to know to kickstart your online coaching busines.

You’ve got this! ☺

P.S. Many coaches use Pensight to connect with their followers and monetize their knowledge. You should give it a try too! It’s awesome.

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