Earn passive income recommending Pensight

Refer Pensight to your friends and audience and earn recurring passive income
10,000+ already use Pensight
Get started
Earn a $50 reward when your referral makes their first $50 via Pensight.
Earn 20% of their recurring PRO subscription fees every month when they subscribe to Pensight PRO.

Join the program and start earning today

Earn a $50 reward when your referral makes their first $50 via Pensight, and 20% of their recurring PRO subscription fees.
Step 1.

Sign up to Pensight

You'll need a free Pensight account to get access to the affiliate dashboard and join the program
2 Minutes and super easy to follow
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Step 2.

Share your link

Copy your personal referral link from the Referrals page and share it with your audience. The more widely you share, the higher the impact.
Sign up for free
Build products on Pensight
Step 3.

Track your performance and earn

Track all the key data from your Referral dashboard in real time. See how many people clicked your link, signed up, and earned you a fee.
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Affiliate FAQs

Where can I find the link?
How are my referrals tracked?
How will I get paid?
Can I get an affiliate program for my own products?
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30,000+ creators claimed